Friday, May 22, 2009

Will be back soon

A Ship in a harbor is safe...
but that is not what Ships are built for...

Exactly the same thing I have been doing for last year. Had been away from home in a new world... exploring things and seizing moments.

I know, I haven't wrote here for quite a sometime; was just busy moving around places and capturing moments. But, now I am back and would be updating few classic moments here.

Thanks for visiting this link... and keep watching this space...


Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Tulip Festival

It was a great time visiting Tulip Festival at Mayor's Park in Ottawa. As promised I am setting up a dedicated blog to all tulips captured this time.

Check out and keep watching this space for updates.


Sunday, May 13, 2007

Living Beauty 2

Here is that small bunch of beauties living together near a Transitway in Ottawa.

There is a Tulip Festival already going on in the city (Tulip Festival, Ottawa). Looking forward to pickup few good ones from there.

Keep watching this space :)

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Living Beauty

... while moving on the streets of Ottawa (Canada) got a chance to click on this living beauty and wonderful creation of Mother Nature. I had been always wondering about how much care she would have taken to create such a master piece.

Perfect blend of colors and softness at its best.. fine texture with sharp designs... that too with a symmetrical placement of all petals simply makes it irresistible to move close to it and admire its elegance.

If you are an art lover and keep visiting art galleries for all those beautiful creations... I will suggest you to visit one of the galleries owned by our own Mother Nature.

By the way... One of the dream place that I would love to visit is Valley of Flowers in Uttranchal, Nothern India. I have heard a lot about it from my friends and colleagues. Feels like its a Heaven on this earth. Hope one fine day, I will be able to capture and put that beauty up here on this blog!

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